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Kirkpatrick responds to 'sexist' attack ad starring legs

In a very competitive congressional race, the National Republican Congressional Committee is airing an ad attacking incumbent Democrat Ann Kirkpatrick.

The ad focuses on Kirkpatrick voting the party line, saying she has "too much baggage" and uses Kirkpatrick's comments about President Obama against her.

The ad also features a shapely pair of legs strutting back and forth in high heels and a skirt. The legs, apparently meant to represent the congresswoman, are disembodied and accompanied by a rolling suitcase.

We wonder whether the NRCC would ever air such an ad featuring a male candidate's lovely legs.

Additionally, Kirkpatrick's district forces her to buck the party more often than most Dems.

"Whether it's on ObamaCare or spending, Ann Kirkpatrick continues to put her loyalty to President Obama and Nancy Pelosi before what's best for Arizona families. Arizonans deserve a representative who will put partisanship aside and do the right thing in Washington, and that's not Ann Kirkpatrick," said NRCC spokesman Daniel Scarpinato.

Kirkpatrick fired off a tweet Thursday to respond to the ad. "Short skirt & high heels? Nope, not me. TV attack ad consultants need some Rural AZ 101," she said, along with a picture of herself in jeans and boots.

There was also a Kirkpatrick campaign email blast related to the ad, labeling it sexist for "depicting Ann as a skirt and a pair of legs. Short skirt and high heels? This isn't the 1950s. And that's not Ann Kirkpatrick. ... Anyone who knows Ann Kirkpatrick knows she's more likely to throw on a pair of boots than a pair of heels."

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